Organisation A – Social enterprise development creating profits and raising profile and influence
Started with a staff session introducing the social enterprise concept (the need to set up enterprises, the purpose balancing social and financial returns, commercial and other criteria to evaluate enterprise ideas, organisational readiness, and [...]
Organisation B – Revenue generation organisational review and planning
Organisational review finding a number of issues related to full cost recovery, strategic direction, financial and other reporting
Organisation C – Charity trading enterprise development and support
Started with preparing a business plan for a very entrepreneurial Chief Executive Organisational readiness issues identified during the business planning process included a lack of a strategic context to support social enterprise development, the SMT [...]
Organisation D – Unrestricted funds and social returns generated through enterprise
Helped to set up a social enterprise that was selling services to FSE 500 companies; when Aperio-Group was last involved had sales of approximately £2.5m, profits of approximately 20%, creating 80 jobs Started with strategic [...]
Organisation E – Creating profits while achieving an organisation’s mission
Started with a discussion with chief executive and another senior manager to agree to a process Reviewed the current social enterprise activity Mentored the existing social enterprise director helping the director to become commercial, creating [...]
Organisation F – Entrepreneurial strategic planning leading to significant growth
Building on a strong and inclusive strategic planning process facilitated by Aperio, mentored a senior management team helping to develop business plans to achieve the organisation’s vision, creating a growth culture resulting in a growth [...]