- Started with a staff session introducing the social enterprise concept (the need to set up enterprises, the purpose balancing social and financial returns, commercial and other criteria to evaluate enterprise ideas, organisational readiness, and a portfolio approach)
- Board session introducing the social enterprise concept and begin the policy development process
- Session for corporations re good mental health means good business – discussed this from the perspective of innovation and organisational growth to help market the social enterprise
- Product development process creating EAP programme (added training, mediation, and other services over time) clients including corporate sector and public sector.
- Change management working with SMT and other staff building social entrepreneurial understanding and capacity
- Supported hiring of social enterprise manager
- On-going advice including working with staff on marketing and sales plans; mentoring and working with SMT and CE on strategic and growth issues
- Social enterprise health check every few years
- Results:
- Profitable – currently £1.8m turnover
- The social enterprise activities are mission related, they are not designed to maximise profits. They provides positive cash flow to the charity, unrestricted funding and pay directly for a number of administrative services
- The social enterprise raised the profile of the organisation
- 110 contracts