John Pepin (Aperio Founder)

John is internationally recognised as a thought leader and a highly effective practitioner of social entrepreneurialism.

Philanthropy and social entrepreneurship are his passion. This has been demonstrated in numerous ways including being an author and leader of innovation, change and growth. Experienced in innovative service and programme design, revenue generation, venture start-up and management, and business strategy consulting across multiple third sector verticals.

Based in the UK since 2000, he spent over 15 years as a chief executive of a variety of Canadian charities/social enterprises/associations; and he has 21 years experience as a social entrepreneurial consultant internationally working with over 300 charities, social enterprises, infrastructure support organisations, and trade/ professional associations of all sizes and in rural and urban settings in the UK and internationally. Currently he is Chief Executive, Philanthropy Impact ( –  its purpose is the increase philanthropic giving and social investment across Europe by working with wealth/professional advisors to HNWI as well as with philanthropists, trusts and foundations and charities.

Angela Roden (Aperio Consultant)

Angela had a thirty year career in the public and third sectors with experience in fundraising, PR and marketing, managing change and consistently delivering high quality results. She devised and implemented the ambitious plan to raise £25m for Manchester’s Christie Hospital, reaching the target six months early than planned. She masterminded a campaign to raise £35m for the Royal Marsden Hospital in London. This goal was achieved in early 2006, on time and under budget.

Hanneke de Bode (Aperio Associate)

Hanneke is a European Affairs specialist. She is an expert in bid and project plan writing, as well as a methodical policy researcher and analyst. She has a preference for starting new projects in the public and not-for-profit sector and has expertise in planning and implementing complex multi-partner co-operations. Hanneke advises Euclid European network’s members on EU tender & grant bids and on Good Governance.

John Baker (Aperio North American Partner)

John has an extensive breadth of Executive and Chief Executive experience in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors and has a broad background in strategic and business planning. Prior to his work with Aperio, he was the Founding President of Proventus Inc., a for-profit spin off of a not-for-profit association, and prior to that the President and CEO of the Ontario Service Safety Alliance. Heis a retired Naval Officer having elected early retirement after 21 years of service in the Canadian Navy. He has a BA in International Studies from the Royal Military College of Canada, has attended the Banff School of Management and The Aresty Institute of Executive Education – Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He is also a member of the faculty of the Schulich School of Business York University.

Aperio believes in mixing the practical with the strategic when undertaking client assignments, offering hands on support and mentoring as well as producing detailed, well researched consultancy reports, as appropriate.